Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Mosaic Ideas

1. Lady Bug Mosaic

2.  Philippine Flag


1. The word Smile in Thai

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Evaluation of Stop Motion

Evaluation of Stop Motion

    1. Choice of idea for Stop motion movie
    a)   Has the movie you have developed and created satisfied the design brief?
    Yes in the end it did its interesting and looks simple. Its entertaining for little kids and they can sing along to the music.

    1. Planning
    a)    Explain how well your group cooperated with each other in the planning and development of your stop motion movie.
    To be honest our group didn’t cooperate that well in the beginning of the planning we all had different ideas and thought of ideas that weren’t all that simple. We had a lot of trouble during the development of the movie, they prevented us from going forward with the original idea.
    b)    Did you have the skills to make it successfully?  What skills did you need to develop in order to create the movie?
    Yes we did eventually in the end, and during the last weeks realized that we did. We needed cooperation, technique, patience, creativity and determination.
    c)    Did you manage your time effectively and finish on time? Why/Why not?
    Not necessarily on time, we didn’t finish on time because we wasted a lot of time planning all these complicated ideas. We were all distracted and we had a conflicts and problems that continually appeared.

    1. Result
    a)   Did the end product turn out the way you thought it would? Why/Why not?
    No it didn’t turn out exactly the way I thought it would, it was simpler than what we went through and I didn’t imagine any of that happening the way it did in our video, we just went along with the flow and gave us what the ending should be.
    b)   Did you and/or your group members make any changes or adjustments when creating your final stop motion movie?
    Yes a lot of changes in terms of the music whether the star wars theme song was going to be in the intro or not, what was going to appear on the movie do we include magic or just building blocks and the actual plot of the story whether we go with a story from the song or our story.
    c)   What were the greatest challenges you experienced whilst creating your movie?
    The timing and the lighting, the music and the space that we had to work on.
    d)   Are you happy with the result? Why/Why not?
    Yes I’m content with it, we managed to produce a stop motion movie that conveyed a story.
    e)   If you were to make the stop motion movie again would you change anything? If so, what?
    Yes, I’d like to have a tripod to set it on, bigger space to produce the stop motion, and more materials.